निम्नलिख़ित शब्दों व वाक्यों को दो भागों में विभाजित करें 1) वह शब्द जो रिश्तों को बताते हैं और 2) वह शब्द जो नम्रता व आदर से जुड़े हैं।
Divide the following words and phrases in two categories:
Those related to relationships
Those related to polite expressions
1) Select an item from the choices by clicking on that item. The selected item will be highlighted. You may change your selection by simply clicking on another item (the new selection will be highlighted). 2) To move the selected item to one of the columns, click in one of the open cells provided below (The item will be eliminated from the choices (crossed through and grayed out). 3) Continue until ALL of the items have been categorized. 4) Two buttons will appear between the columns. Click on the "Check Answer" button to check your choices. 5) Click on the "Feedback" button to read feedback related to this activity.
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पारिवारिक रिश्तों एवं नम्रता और आदर से संम्बंधित शब्दों का इस्तेमाल आने वाले लेख़ में होगा। निम्नलिख़ित शब्द इन दोनों वर्गों से लिये गये हैं, और इन के द्वारा लेख़ को समझने में मदत मिलेगी।
प्रणाम - hello प्यार सहित - with love आपकी अपनी - your's own आदरणीय - most respectful नमस्ते - hello
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In the forthcoming article, terms that are related to family relationships are used, as well as polite and respectful expressions used in those relationships. The following terms fit in those categories and will be helpful to understand this article.
प्रणाम - hello प्यार सहित - with love आपकी अपनी - your own आदरणीय - (most) respectful नमस्ते - hello
The term भइय्या (brother) is an expression of love, respect and intimacy, used to address mostly an older brother. It is related to the word भाई (brother),which is a formal term and is used to address a younger brother, for example:
यह मेरा भाई है (This is my brother) is a formal way of addressing a younger brother.
यह मेरे भइय्या हैं (This is my brother) is anintimate, yet respectful way of addressing an older brother.
प्रणाम (hello) is a very formal term of salutation, and not commonly used in daily conversation. The very common term is नमस्ते. This term is used by younger people to welcome or greet an elderly relative, neighbor, or a family friend.
It is considered highly disrespectful in India, if you happen to come upon an older person, and do not greet them politely. The English expressions, Hi, Hello, and What's up? have become very popular with the younger generation.
आदरणीय - most respectable, honorable, comes from the root word आदर (n.mas. respect).