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اقرأ ملحوظات المعلم قبل أن تبدأ هذا النشاط!
استمع إلى المقطع التالي من التقرير الإخباري، ثم حدد فكرته الرئيسية.
Read the teacher's notes before beginning this activity!
Listen to this segment from the newscast and identify its main theme.
1) Be sure that the speaker/headphone volume is turned on.
2) Read the multiple choice question.
3) Click the "Play(Original)" button to listen to the normal speed broadcast, or, click the "Play (Studio Ver.)" to listen to a slower version of the same audio clip. You may listen as many times as you like.
4) Choose your answer by positioning the mouse/pointer on a button and then click to select it.
5) Click the "Check Answer" button. If your answer is correct, you will see or hear the essential bit of information or explanation as to why it is correct. However, if your answer is incorrect, you will receive a text or audio hint to help you choose the correct answer. Try again until you get the correct answer.
6) Go to the next activity after you have successfully answered the question.
Try again. This point is made in support of the main theme of the broadcast.
Correct. This initial segment of the broadcast stresses this point and indicates that the Egyptian pound continues to improve (واصل تَحَسُّنه) against the American dollar. The rest of the broadcast provides details relating to this issue.
واصل الجنيه المصري تحسنه مقابل الدولار الأمريكي. يأتي ذلك فيما أثار التحسن الذي طرأ على وضع العملة المصرية تفاوتاً في وجهات النظر بشأن استمراريته.
Try again. Although the newscast touches upon this issue, this segment does not contain information about new montetary policies (سياسات نقدية جديدة) in Egypt.