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اقرأ ملحوظة المعلم قبل أن تبدأ هذا النشاط!
استمع إلى هذا المقطع المتعلق بالتقرير الأصلي وحدد ما إذا كان يحتوي معلومات جديدة عن النقاط التالية. اشرح إجابتك إذا كانت "نعم."
Read the teacher's note before beginning this activity!
Listen to a segment that is related to the original audio. Determine whether it includes new information about the following points. If your answer is "yes," explain why in the space provided.
1) Read the question/directions, then click the "Play" button on the audio player to listen to the primary audio clip (use the audio player controls to pause, play, or loop the audio clip) or read the provided text. This will present a different version of the report on the topic from this lesson. You may play the audio clip as often as you need it. When available, you may view the transcript of the audio by clicking the "View Transcript" button. 2) Choose from the two options provided for each item. 3) Per the instructions, you may need to provide a specific example in the box provided that supports your choice. 4) After you have answered all the questions, click the "Check Answer" button. If your choice is correct, a green circle will appear; if it is incorrect, a red "x" appears. 7) Click on the "Feedback" button to view an explanation. 8) Continue listening and answering all the statements. Clicking on a "Next" arrow at the bottom of the page to reveal the next set of statements (if applicable).
Correct. This segment indicates that the dollar's value will continue to decline due to ( نظراً ل) rising oil prices ( ارتفاع أسعار البترول) and tourism revenues ( عائدات السياحة), according to some people. The original newscast does not include any information regarding such an issue.
Correct. This segment mentions investment activity (حركة الاستثمار ) as a factor in the increasing demand for the dollar, which may lead to a rise in its value all over again (ارتفاع سعره من جديد).
Correct. This segment does not discuss the foreign currency reserve issue while the original newscast indicates that it has increased to 15 billion dollars.
Correct. This segment does not include information about the prices of foodstuffls. However, it mentions escalating prices in general ( الاتجاه التصاعدي للأسعار).
While this segment points out that the dollar's value will continue to decline due to (نظراً ل) rising oil prices (ارتفاع أسعار البترول) and tourism revenues (عائدات السياحة), the original newscast does not include any information about either oil prices or tourism revenues.
The investment activity (حركة الاستثمار) is simply not included in the original newscast.
This segment does not include any information regarding the foreign currency reserve, while the original newscast indicates that it has increased to 15 billion dollars.
The rising price of food is one of the issues discussed in the original newscast, but not in this segment. This segment, however, mentions escalating prices in general (الاتجاه التصاعدي للأسعار).
وبينما يرى البعض بأن الدولار سينخفض إلى ما دون الخمسة جنيهات نظراً لارتفاع أسعار البترول وعائدات السياحة فإن البعض الآخر يتوقع استقرار أسعار صرف الدولار في السوق المصرية عند مستوياتها الحالية إلى أن تنشط حركة الاستثمار وما يرافقها من انتعاش لحركة الاستيراد، الأمر الذي قد يزيد من جديد من الطلب على العملة الأمريكية وهو ما سيؤدي إلى ارتفاع سعرها من جديد.
ويتساءل محدودو الدخل في مصر إذا كانت الحكومة استطاعت أن تكبح جماح الدولار وان تعيد للجنيه جزءاً من هيبته، فهل تستطيع كبح جماح تجار السوق والذين لا يعرفون غير الاتجاه التصاعدي للأسعار حتى وأن وُصفت بأنها نار.