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محادثة تلفونية بين رئيسين
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Copyright DLIFLC - 2011
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Listen for  إشراك العرب السُنّـة .
Listen for الجهود الحثيثة تـُبذل.
Listen for اُنْـتـُخِـبَ.
Listen for دعمه .

"The Arab Sunna are participating in the drafting committee of a permanent Iraqi constitution" corresponds with the audio:

 أشاد الرئيس بوش بشجاعة ودور الرئيس الطالباني في الحكومة العراقية مثمناً جهوده الرامية إلى اشراك العرب السنة في لجنة صياغة الدستور الدائم في العراق .

He valued the efforts of Talibani aimed at letting the Arab Sunna participate in the drafting committee of a permanent Iraqi constitution.

"Constructive efforts have been exerted to achieve the forming of a permanent constitution by its due date."  This statement corresponds with the audio:

 ومن جانبه أكد الرئيس الطالباني للرئيس بوش بأن الجهود الحثيثة تُبذل لإنجاز صياغة الدستور الدائم في موعدها المحدد.

From his side, the President Al-Talabani assured President Bush that constructive efforts have been exerted to achieve the forming of a permanent constitution by its due date.

Notice that the passive verb تُبذل is derived from the verb بذ ّل (to exert) and is different from the verb بدّل  (to change).

"A president for the Kurdish region has been elected." This corresponds with the audio:

 و طالب الرئيس الامريكي من الرئيس العراقي نقل تحياته وتهانيه لمسعود البارزاني بمناسبة إنتخابه رئيساً لأقليم كوردستان.

On the occasion of electing Massoud Barzani as the president of the Kurdish region, President Bush asked the Iraqi president to pass on his greetings and congratulations to Massoud.

Notice that رئيساً ends with تنوين, and it is pronounced as رئيسَن .

"The assurance of the support of President Bush to the Kurdish people." This corresponds with the audio:

 مؤكداً دعمه للشعب الكردي في مسيرته الديمقراطية ضمن العراق الموحد والمستقل.

Stressing his support to the Kurdish people in their democratic advancement within the independent and unified Iraq.

 Pay attention because you may have heard موهد  instead of موحد (unified).