Play Audio 开幕式 kāimùshì opening ceremony
Play Audio 品饮 pǐnyǐn tasting(a drink)
Play Audio 女神 nǚshén goddess
Play Audio 巡游 xúnyóu parade
Play Audio 文体 wéntǐ cultural entertainment and sports
Play Audio 娱乐 yúlè amusement
Play Audio 闭幕式 bìmùshì closing ceremony
Play Audio 大篷 dàpeng big tent
Play Audio 点餐 diǎncān order dishes
Play Audio 邀 yāo invite
Play Audio 本届 běnjiè current
Play Audio 舞台 wǔtái stage
Play Audio 请帖 qǐngtiě written invitation
Play Audio 咨询 zīxún seek counsel/advice
Play Audio 征集 zhēngjí call up/recruit
Play Audio 指挥部 zhǐhuībù headquarters
Play Audio 亮点 liàngdiǎn highlight
Play Audio 特色 tèsè distinguishing feature
Play Audio 载体 zàitǐ vehicle
Play Audio 装饰 zhuāngshì decorate
Play Audio 喝彩 hècǎi cheers
Play Audio 基调 jīdiào fundamental key
Play Audio 各类 gèlèi each (type)
Play Audio 营造 yíngzào construct
Play Audio 氛围 fēnwéi atmosphere
Play Audio 品牌 pǐnpái trademark
Play Audio 加强 jiāqiáng strengthen
Play Audio 团体票 tuántǐpiào group ticket
Play Audio 优惠 yōuhuì preferential
Play Audio 联合 liánhé coalition
Play Audio 厂商 chǎngshāng factory owner
Play Audio 组织 zǔzhī organize
Play Audio 采取 cǎiqǔ adopt
Play Audio 循环 xúnhuán circulate/cycle
Play Audio 互动 hùdòng interact
Play Audio 设置 shèzhì set up
Play Audio 专线 zhuānxiàn special (bus) line
Play Audio 体验 tǐyàn v. learn through practice/experience
Play Audio 情况 qíngkuàng situation
Play Audio 历届 lìjiè all previous sessions
Play Audio 有效 yǒuxiào valid
Play Audio 提前 tíqián in advance
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The Glossary provides selected vocabulary from the source text/audio. Items are generally arranged according to their order of appearance in the text. The Glossary is not intended to be used as a dictionary, however, all words/phrases essential to the text/audio can be found here. You might still want to use a dictionary to find the meaning of some words/phrases. Although this is not discouraged, you should make every effort to figure out the meaning through context first.