(Click text to switch language)
Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the missing phrases.
1) Read the question/directions, then click the "Play" button on the audio player to listen to the entire primary audio clip (use the audio player controls to pause, play, or loop the audio clip). In the event there is an entire alternate audio clip, there will be an "Alternate Audio" button. Click this button to listen to an alternate audio clip only as necessary. 2) Read the entire text identifying the missing sections. Click on the "speaker" icon next to each input box to listen to the section of the audio passage. 3) Move the cursor to the input box and click to activate the cursor. 4) Fill in the input box to complete the missing section - be as precise as possible. If you need help, click on the "?" icon next to each input box - you will receive additional text information to help you with your transcription. 5) Continue in this manner until the entire text is restored. 6) Click the "Compare Script" button to see a complete transcription. The answers appear in bold. You may click on them to receive additional feedback/explanations.
The missing part is the subject with its modifier.
The missing part indicates Shumei Zhu’s occupation before her retirement.
The missing part is an idiomatic expression. Focus on the word 来 you already know and also pay attention to the word 名人 prior to the missing part.
The missing part is a prepositional phrase, which indicates the reason for this granny’s fame.
The missing part is a verb and its object.
The missing part is a verb and its object, which is the second part of a coordinate complex sentence.
The missing part is a verb phrase.
(Click underlined portions of text to view explanations.)
主持人:各位网友大家好!欢迎收看人民网原创节目《十分感动》。 今天
The missing phrase: 我们节目的主人公- the hero of our program
- 节目: program; i.e. 今天电视有什么好节目? (Are there any good programs on TV today?); here, it particularly refers to the TV program 十分感动 introduced in activity one.
- 主人公: leading character (in novel, movie, etc.)
Read the entire opening remarks:
主持人:各位网友大家好!欢迎收看人民网原创节目《十分感动》。 今天我们节目的主人公叫朱淑媚。(Host: Hello everyone! We welcome you to watch our original program Stirring Your Heart. Today the hero of our program is Shumei Zhu. )
The missing phrase: 曾是浙江师范大学的临时工–was a temporary worker at Zhejiang Normal University
- 曾[céng]: in the past; short for 曾经; i.e., 她曾(经)做过演员。(She was once an actress.) Note: 曾 can be pronounced as [zēng] and in that case, it means separated by two generations; great-(grandfather, grandchild, etc.), such as 曾祖父(great-grandfather), 曾祖母(great-grandmother)and 曾孙(great-grandson), etc.
- 临时工[línshígōng]: temporary worker; in China , 临时工 generally received very limited or no benefits from their employers.
- 浙江师范大学: Zhejiang Normal University (ZJNU) 是中国浙江省金华市的一所省属公立大学。1956年,杭州师范专科学校成立。1958年,改为杭州师范学院。1962年,杭州师范学院与浙江教育学院、浙江体育学院合并为浙江师范学院。1965年,浙江师范学院迁至金华现校址。1985年,更名为浙江师范大学。
The missing phrase: 慕名而来- come, attracted by somebody’s fame or something’s fame
- 慕名[mùmíng]: admiration for others' reputation; out of admiration for a famous person; originated from 汉书(History of the Former Han)
Related transcription: 主持人:…她曾是浙江师范大学的临时工,现在却是这所大学里的名人。每天都有很多人慕名而来,一睹篮球奶奶的风采。(…everyday a lot of people come to school especially to see the “basketball granny”.)
- 睹[dǔ]: look at, observe; 目睹: see with one's own eyes
- 风采[fēngcǎi]: elegant demeanor; 一睹风采: to catch a glimpse of (basketball granny who plays a basketball) ; i.e. 为了一睹女主角的风采,一些追星族已经在海德公园饭店外守候了24个小时。(Some of the fans had waited 24 hours outside the Hyde Park Hotel to catch a glimpse of their heroine.)
The missing phrase: 凭借着自己百发百中的球技- by her skill at shooting a basketball with unfailing accuracy
- 凭借着[píngjièzhe]: by means of; short form of: 凭着; i.e. 他凭(借)着自己的作品,入围了诺贝尔奖的提名。(He was nominated for the Nobel Prize for his works.)
- 球技: ball-game skills; refers to shooting a basketball in this video clip.
The missing phrase: 入围了中央电视台2012年《体坛风云人物》- nominated for the 2012 CCTV Sports Personality Award
- 入围[rùwéi]: be selected/elected as one of the few; such as入围了诺贝尔奖的提名(be nominated for the Nobel Prize)
- 中央电视台: China Central Television (CCTV), 是中华人民共和国的官方电视媒体之一(另有直属于中华人民共和国教育部的中国教育电视台)。所有的节目都通过卫星播出,拥有中国大陆境内最多的收视人群。央视拥有45个电视频道,是世界上电视频道数量最多的电视台,除了面向中国大陆播出的频道之外,还通过卫星、互联网向全球播出包括中文在内的各种语言的国际频道。
- 体坛风云人物: a large sports figure annual contest organized by CCTV, the award ceremony on its sports channel is broadcast nationwide. Click the Teacher’s Note to read more information.
The missing phrase: 登上了美国的时代周刊–be written up in the American magazine Time
- 登[dēng]: publish; enter; i.e., 他的名字登上了光荣榜。(His name is entered in the honor roll); 登 also means (of people) climb; ascend; such as 登陆(land);登车(get on a bus), etc..
- 时代周刊: Time; 周刊: weekly (publication)
Let’s take a close look at this coordinate complex long sentence: 主持人:…她凭借着自己百发百中的球技,不但入围了中央电视台2012年体坛风云人物,甚至还登上了美国的时代周刊。(By her skill at shooting a basketball with unfailing accuracy, she was not only nominated for the 2012 CCTV Sports Personality Award, but was even written up in the American magazine Time.)
- The key information is 她…入围 …. and 登上…; the prepositional phrase 凭借着… modifies both clauses 入围 … and 登上…; note, conjunctive words 不但 and 甚至(usually 不但...而且, but the same meaning) reveals a progressive relation between these two phrases入围 … and 登上…
The missing phrase: 成为了篮球明星- became a basketball star
Read the related transcription: 主持人:…到底是什么样的力量让她在七十多岁的时候成为了篮球明星呢? (At the end of day, what kind of energy makes this granny in her seventies a basketball star?)
The host raises a question to hint at what will follow, which is why and how Shumei Zhu became a celebrity in her later years.
- 到底: after all; to the end; i.e., 你到底去不去?( Are you going or not?)
Note: The pattern and word choice of the host’s introduction is very formal as if she reads from a written document.