苦恼 kǔ'nǎo anxiety-ridden; vexed
贪官 tānguān corrupt official
大把花钱 dàbǎ huāqián to spend money hand over fist
露富 lùfù to reveal one's wealth
老公 lǎogōng husband (colloquial)
纪检 Jìjiǎn Commission for Discipline Inspection (abbr. of 纪律检查委员会)
检察院 Jiǎncháyuàn Procuratorate (prosecutorial organ)
发疯 fāfēng to go crazy
梦想 mèngxiǎng dream; fantasy
一切 yíqiè everything
从零 cónglíng from the ground up; from the zero point
父辈 fùbèi father's generation (relatives and friends of which)
轻易地 qīngyì de lightly; cavalierly (do something)
犯罪 fànzuì to commit a crime
感觉 gǎnjué feeling; to feel
十元大票 shíyuán dàpiào a ten-yuan bill; 10-yuan currency note
眼神 yǎnshén expression in one's eyes
不屑一顾 búxiè yígù to disdain taking even one glance (at something)
轻松 qīngsōng relaxed
弱智者 ruòzhìzhě the mentally retarded
人生目标 rénshēng mùbiāo goal(s) in life
欲望 yùwàng desire
食能果腹 shí néng guǒfù able to fill one's belly with food
衣能避寒 yī néng bìhán able to ward off the cold with clothing
美满 měimǎn to be blissful
可怜 kělián to be pitiable
智商 zhìshāng IQ (Intelligence Quotient)
其 qí their; his; her
精明 jīngmíng shrewdness; shrewd
程度 chéngdù level; degree
佩服 pèifú to admire
村长 cūnzhǎng village chief; leading village official
薪水 xīnshuǐ salary
一生下来 yì shēngxiàlái as soon as one is born
身份 shēnfèn status; identity
抛弃 pāoqì to cast off; to abandon
甚至 shénzhì to the extent of; even
精力 jīnglì vigor; energy
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The Glossary provides selected vocabulary from the source text/audio. Items are generally arranged according to their order of appearance in the text. The Glossary is not intended to be used as a dictionary, however, all words/phrases essential to the text/audio can be found here. You might still want to use a dictionary to find the meaning of some words/phrases. Although this is not discouraged, you should make every effort to figure out the meaning through context first.